Tag Archives: instagram

‘I was always the last one on Facebook, Instagram—everything.’ Lele Pons.

Sorry Lele, I beg to differ.  I reckon that’s probably me . . . but I have been on a mission to set that right . . .

I have recently been informed that I am probably ‘wasting my time’ with my blog (how rude!) and would make it much easier for friends to follow me if I posted directly to instagram instead.  Instagram.  Really?

Well I knew what the gist of instagram was of course because . . . well, you’d probably have to be living under a rock not to . . . but I had never felt the need to look into any further.  I honestly thought it was just another form of social media with lots of celebrities sending out their favourite makeup tips for the day etc etc . . .  but after a little bit of research (and a couple of hilarious ‘how to’ lessons from Megan in the office)  I have discovered it is actually so much more.  There are so many fabulous artists I can follow (and steal ideas from) . . . and amazing photographers I can follow (and steal ideas from) . . . and seriously mad doggie-people (because who doesn’t want to follow the antics of seriously mad doggie-people . . . )  

How did I not know about this before?

But seriouslyalthough I now realise why people like instragram so much, I wasn’t so enthralled about the process of setting it all up.  ‘Download the app here’ sounds easy enough but in reality I had all sorts of frustrating fun and games trying to link my new account from my mobile to my tablet and then to my Facebook account.  I tried putting some older sketches up to get me started and sometimes they appeared on my phone . . . and sometimes they didn’t.  And sometimes they appeared on my tablet and sometimes they didn’t.  And sometimes they turned up on my Facebook page . . . and sometimes they didn’t.  Sigh.  Just about did my head in.  However . . . (although not saying this too loudly in case I jinx it) it does all seem to be working properly now.  So folks—the long and the sort of it is . . . drum roll . . .

sallyinthehaven is now on Instagram. Ta Da!!
(Well—that probably doesn’t really warrant a ‘Ta Da’ to you but it certainly does to me!)

Anyway, from today I am on holiday and away from the college for three weeks (woo hoo!) and I have been promising (as I often do) to get some serious sketching done during that time.  The wifi and internet access where I live is sporadic at the best of times and made even more so by the huge influx of holiday-makers we get at this time of year so I am hoping that posting to instagram might be a way forward.

Wish me luck—and hope to see some of you there!

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Posted by on December 20, 2018 in Uncategorized


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